Thursday 1 December 2011

Number two... feeling a-okay!

So, let me introduce myself and my family...

'Mummy' - I'm a thirty-something-year-old stay at home mum who previously working in the public sector (much to the envy of my friends who work in the private sector, I've taken my perks already and have decided to take a short career break to raise my young family!) Having waited what I'd call a very long time to get married and start a family I love my life right now and wouldn't change a thing... I am the author of a blog called Random Ramblings which some of you may have come across (if you haven't feel free to click on the link and have a browse) and having overcome the drastic changes of my life since 2008 - getting married and having a baby within the first year of my marriage, and literally being on a roller coaster ride with my little one since then - I feel now is the time to start writing again.

'Me' - My little girl is as much of an angel as she is a little gremlin! Having turned two in September she has recently joined Montessori and is loving (although she keeps reminding us that she "does not like it" and would rather stay at home with us!) But all in all, my little chatterbox is, I would say, a bit different from your average two year old. Many would describe it easy to have one child in the house, but with her energy and enthusiasm, she really does keep me on my toes... Oh, and she's anxiously awaiting her new baby (which by the way, she calls "new baby".)

'Hubby' - I'm really going to try and limit how much I mention my hubby, purely because he is a rather blog-shy person. A lawyer by profession, he is a strong believer in privacy... Need I say more? But obviously, I will bring him in from time to time... just for, ummm, context! ;)

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